Erin Skinner is a life-long resident of Monroe County. She and her husband met at SUNY Cortland nearly 20 years ago, and have made Rochester their home, along with their daughter and their dog, Bailey. When it comes to the judiciary, experience matters. Erin has served as an Assistant Public Defender in the Monroe County Public Defender’s Office, and has clerked for the highest court in New York State, the Court of Appeals. She is currently employed as a confidential law clerk to the Honorable Mark A. Montour, a Justice of the Supreme Court, Appellate Division, Fourth Department. Erin has dedicated her legal career to public service, guided by her desire to make our justice system a more equitable institution and her oath to uphold the constitutions of the United States and New York State.

As an Assistant Public Defender, Erin represented indigent clients throughout Monroe County, helping them navigate an often unfamiliar and intimidating system to ensure that their constitutional rights were protected. Erin was often asked some version of, “How do you represent those people?,” to which she would respond that it was easy. Everyone, no matter their race, socio-economic status, or, frankly, their level of guilt, is entitled to zealous advocacy. In cases where the police had followed the law, the prosecution was making a reasonable offer, and the client was prepared to accept responsibility, Erin understood that resolving the case by a plea was most likely in her client’s best interest. Where, however, her client’s constitutional rights had been violated; her client was overcharged or had not committed the crime as charged; or where her client simply wanted to exercise their right to test the government’s proof at trial, Erin had no qualms about defending those rights. It was an honor and a privilege to stand beside her clients in court and tell the government that, if they wanted a conviction, they would have to work for it.

In addition to her experience in the courtroom, Erin has worked behind the scenes in the Unified Court System for over six years. She has clerked at the New York State Court of Appeals and at the Appellate Division. Most recently, she has had the honor of working for the Honorable Mark A. Montour and the now-retired Honorable Joanne Winslow as a confidential law clerk. As a clerk, Erin has seen first-hand the work of a Supreme Court Justice and has aided in that important work every day.

Erin truly believes in the credo “With justice for all.” A strong, independent, judiciary is crucial to a thriving democracy. Whether you are a member of the Democrat, Republican, Working Families, or Conservative party, or simply someone who does not feel that any party truly represents their values, Erin asks that you seriously consider voting for her. In return, she promises that she will thoughtfully apply the law to the specific facts of each case that comes before her, without resort to partisan politics, which have no place on the bench. She will truly be a justice for all.

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Every relationship formed by our campaign gets us one step closer to electing Erin Skinner for Supreme Court.